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My Home Security System Can Do That?

closeup of hands installing a security camera outside

Discover What’s Possible From Your Security & Surveillance Setup

If you’ve been looking for a way to keep your loved ones safe without adding more things to your daily to-do list, then it’s time to consider upgrading your home security systems. Not only can you keep an eye on your property, but you’ll have the ability to control everything from the convenience of your smartphone or tablet.

Read along below to find out what components and features are essential if you’re looking for a new or upgraded security setup for your property in the McLean, VA, area.

SEE ALSO: 8 Frequently Asked Questions About Home Automation

Surveillance Cameras

Adding surveillance cameras to key points inside and outside your property makes you feel safer and can deter potential thieves. An unprotected home is a more enticing target than one with visible cameras or security company signage. Front doors, back doors, walkways, garages, and sheds are all excellent locations for camera installation because they give you an eye on the most active areas of your property. Advanced features such as facial recognition, license plate detection, cloud storage, and motion alerts are also critical for ultimate peace of mind. 

Exterior Lighting

Another deterrent to opportunistic theft is adding outdoor lighting to your home security system. A home blanketed in the safety of illumination is less attractive to break into than a dark home. Lights at entries and exits, walking paths from the front to the back of the yard, driveways, and along any sidewalks to the street ensure protection from potential burglars and safety from physical harm! Guests will not only be able to easily find your home when invited to the next social gathering, but they’ll be able to navigate your property at nighttime easily. With a smart home security system, you can program lighting to turn on automatically at dusk or on demand using your smartphone.

Smart Home Integration

In addition to cameras and lighting, your home’s security setup should be able to incorporate all of your connected smart devices into one comprehensive system. A single intuitive interface, accessible via your control device of choice, will allow you to unlock smart locks for dog walkers or housekeepers remotely, speak to visitors on your doorstep, and more! Also, with the help of a professional home integrator, the same system that controls your security components can manage your home theater or shift the ambiance in seconds with lighting control. Talk about the ultimate convenience!


If you’re ready to take the next step in reliably securing your home, and protecting your family and loved ones with technology, connect with our team here. We can’t wait to hear from you.

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